Keep Valentine’s Day Simple

Alisa Kahn 

Edited: 2/12/2020

Does the holiday season really end after New Year’s? It certainly doesn’t feel like it when the first few weeks of the New Year are packed with work, birthday parties, social activities, school and watching your favorite TV shows that come back from winter break. Before you know it, Valentine’s Day is here bringing all the chocolate with her and now you’re off your New Year’s diet before you even started it. What if this holiday, we focused on the simple act of being with each other rather than getting those fancy reservations?

What if February 14 was a day on the calendar to reset and relax? We all deserve time to unwind and focus on ourselves and our loved ones so why not take this holiday to do that? Instead of “go big or go home” let’s just…go home. Go home and soak up the quality time we need for ourselves and for our relationships. Let’s order in our favorite food that makes us feel good and avoid the crowded, overpriced night out that we might feel pressured to take part in. This Valentine’s Day, enjoy the simple things.